São Paulo offers a variety of high quality steak houses, which have the best cuts and the best suppliers, guaranteeing taste and safety. Some suggestions: http://www.churrascariaboinabrasa.com.br Distance from Mackenzie: 850 m (walking) (View map) http://www.angelicagrill.com Distance from Mackenzie: 1.3 km (walking) (View map) http://www.fogodechao.com.br Distance from subway station: 3.6 km (by car from Praça da Árvore metro station) (View map) http://www.baronesarestaurante.com.br Distance from Mackenzie: 1.1 km (walking) (View map) http://www.grillhall.com.br Distance from subway station: 1.4 km (by car from Santa Cruz metro station) (View map) http://www.setegrill.com.br Distance from Mackenzie: 1.3 km (walking) (View map)