Valdinei Freire
Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades - EACH • Universidade de São Paulo - USP
São Paulo, SP
Since 2011, I am an Assistant Professor at EACH-USP in the Bachelor Undergraduate Program in Information Systems (BSI) and in the Graduate Program in Information Systems (PPgSI).
I hold a Ph.D. in Electric Enginer (2009) and a bachelor in Computer Engineer (2002), both from Escola Politécnica (USP) . During my Ph.D., I was a visiting scholar in the Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon.
Research Interests:
My current research efforts focus on various aspects of sequential decision making under the frameworks of Markov Decision Process
and Reinforcement Learning
. In particular, I have been developing and studying models that consider a Risk Sensitive Evaluation
. Although most of my work is theoretical, lately I have been applying MDP and RL to Education
Fragmentos Estocástico:
Since January 2020, I have been maintained a Youtube channel in Portuguese, Fragmentos Estocásticos. There, I present snippets of MDP and RL theory. It may serve as a fast introduction to the mathematics behind MDP and RL.