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Tourism and Culture Policies in Brazil: a comparative analysis of national, state and municipal plans
     Tourism and Culture Policies in Brazil: a comparative analysis of national, state and municipal plans
     Políticas públicas de turismo y de cultura en Brasil: un análisis comparado de planos de la esfera nacional, regional y municipal.

Abreu, Mariana Tomson de
Gomes, Bruno Martins Augusto
Giannini, Nadia
Souza, Silvana do Rocio de

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019); 57-67


Resumo: The objective of this research was to analyze the interaction between public policies of tourism and culture through the analysis of the national, state and municipal plans of the two sectors. For that, a documentary research was carried out in Brazil with a data collection involving the National Plans of Culture (2010-2020) and Tourism (2018-2022), the Plans of Culture (2017-2027) and Tourism (2016-2026) of the State of Paraná and the Municipal Plans of Culture (2015-2025) and Tourism (201-2017) of the city of Curitiba. The results of the research showed that the municipal plans of culture and tourism are the ones that presented a greater interaction between the respective areas. The opposite has been found in the national culture and tourism plans. Cultural tourism is present in the culture plans together with community participation, training, inclusion, income and interaction with entrepreneurs. Culture is manifested in tourism plans related to the preservation of cultural resources, dissemination, diversity and awareness. Thus, it is concluded that although formulators and public policies demonstrate knowledge of the other area, there is a difficulty between the two sectors, especially at the federal level, in defining common goals. Strategies for national tourism have economic and income-oriented directions, while national cultural policies reinforce preservation and authenticity objectives. Therefore, research on the necessary interaction between public policies on tourism and culture, analyzed, for example, the implementation of the same, form a vast field of action for researchers in the area.