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Tourist diversification and promotion in times of “new ruralities”: from the Atlantic coast to the Pampean countryside
     Tourist diversification and promotion in times of “new ruralities”: from the Atlantic coast to the Pampean countryside
     La diversificación y promoción turística en tiempos de “nuevas ruralidades”: de la costa atlántica al campo pampeano

Pérez Winter, Cecilia Verena

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019); 68-85


Resumo: In this article we are interested in inquire into the tourist valorization processes of rural areas -and certain objects and products associated with them- within the framework of the productive restructuring that some authors identified as “new ruralities”. We propose to analyze the role of State in creating and extending rural tourism in Buenos Aires province (Argentina). In this context, we examine what kinds of strategies are being promoted; who participate; and what kinds of tourist representations about the Pampas-Buenos Aires rurality are being built. Our research leads us to conclude that the provincial state sought to extend tourism to the interior of its territory, promoting rural modality. In order to do this, it established a series of strategies (regionalization, food and historical-cultural routes and programs) that put in value elements and places linked to the Pampas-Buenos Aires area, activating identity versions which combine local and national ones.