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Degradation in the roads between Airport and Hotels, and Tourism in the View of Taxi Drivers of Belém (PA/BR)
     Degradation in the roads between Airport and Hotels, and Tourism in the View of Taxi Drivers of Belém (PA/BR)
     Degradación en las carreteras entre el aeropuerto y hoteles y el turismo en la visión de los taxistas de Belém (PA/BR)

Mendes, Fabrício Lemos de Siqueira
Conceição, Marlon Wallace Serra
Sousa, Agnes Brenda Da Silva
Cruz, Silvia Helena Ribeiro
Alberto, Diana Priscila Sá

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019); 41-56


Resumo: Due to its culture and attractions, the city of Belém (PA) has a very strong tourist flow. However, for receiving many visitors, the city is targeted by several types of degradations that in most cases give the idea of?abandonment which cause a dissatisfaction with those who arrive here. The objective of this article is to show areas degraded by anthropic action caused on the routes indicated by the taxi drivers of the Airport of Belém. The methodology used was the application of a multiple choice questionnaire, applied to taxi drivers of the Cooperative. Then, the main routes were identified which were traversed to identify the anthropogenic degradations and the data for the statistical analysis. The City of Belém suffers from urban degradations, often caused by visitors and sometimes by residents of the region. Unfortunately, they are scattered around corners in the City. With these records it was possible to conclude that the lack of concern with these areas is very clear, making it obvious that these respective places are drifting from oblivion, doomed to become increasingly degraded, promoting the image of a dirty city with tourism outdated.