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Tourism Sustainability Baseline in Low-Income and Low-Population Municipalities of Colombia
     Tourism Sustainability Baseline in Low-Income and Low-Population Municipalities of Colombia
     Línea base de sostenibilidad turística en municipios con menores ingresos y población de Colombia

Garzón Vásquez, David Esteban
Toloza Villegas, Jenny Alejandra

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 29 (2021): Julio-Diciembre; 263-291


Resumo: Tourism has positioned itself as a primary service in the generation of employment and foreign exchange in Colombia, nevertheless, its degree of sustainability is unrecognized, particularly in non-traditional tourist desti­nations. During 2018 and 2019, a baseline that provides aggregate information from 18 departments in the country was developed through a set of indicators that evaluate the performance of municipalities with low po­pulation and income, through the 5 pillars of sustainable tourism (WTO, 2013). The results show an overall low-intermediate as­sessment (2.36/5). Improvement is required and support should be considered to monitor and compare subsequent performance in go­vernance, competitiveness, human capital, social inclusion and heritage sustainability. Possible timely action strategies are indica­ted from the international literature for the sustainable development of local tourism.