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Tourism in Times of Pandemics. Covid-19 in Latin America
     Tourism in Times of Pandemics. Covid-19 in Latin America
     Turismo en tiempo de pandemias. covid-19 en Latinoamérica

Félix Mendoza, Ángel Guillermo
Zepeda Arce, Alfonso
Villafuerte Holguín, Jhonny Saulo

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 29 (2021): Julio-Diciembre; 129-155


Resumo: Tourism has proven to be an economic ac­tivity with a high degree of sensitivity. The current pandemic confirms it. This paper seeks to contribute to the global discussion with a review of the literature and techni­cal reports from official tourism agencies focused on Latin America. It uses the multi-step analytical-synthetic qualitative method to address the available case studies, and it has systematized the reports publishing official data at the regional and global level. It A review of specialized literature articu­lating the subtopics: pandemics, resilience, and crisis management models in tourism is carried out. Additionally, it includes a compilation of the actions promoted by the world organizations directly involved, and the governments of the region. The main effects of the pandemic are not limited to the socio-economic effects on the world and Latin American tourism but also extend to the effects on the psychological behavior and preferences of post-covid-19 tourists.