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Geotourism: tourist use of the geological potential in the San Benito and San Eugenio streets in the municipality of Sibaté
     Geotourism: tourist use of the geological potential in the San Benito and San Eugenio streets in the municipality of Sibaté
     Geoturismo: aprovechamiento turístico del potencial geológico en las veredas de San Benito y San Eugenio, en el municipio de Sibaté

Núñez Franco, Leidy Juliet
Sanabria Rojas, Brayan Hernando
Suárez Cruz, Christian Stiven

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 27 (2020): Julio-Diciembre; 187-215


Resumo: In recent years, the modality of tourism known as geotourism has played a leading role in different countries around the world. However, in Colombia it is a new process. Therefore, it can be said that this modality serves as a diversifier for the local economy of the territories through the sustainable use of the geomorphological and geological resource managed by the host community of tourist destinations. Small village, such as San Benito and San Eugenio, known rural areas in Sibaté (Cundinamarca), that was a mining site, but in 2004 the Ministry of the Environment awarded that mining exploitation was prohibited under Resolution 1197 of 2004. The above, affected the only source of income of the small village that generated the displacement of the population. Therefore, tourism and geotourism appear to help minimize the negative impact of quarries where mining was practiced. In this way, generate projects that are related to geomorphological and geological characteristics for the use of the territory.