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Tourist activity at the Chicaque natural park as a factor of sustainable development in the Chicaque and Cascajal zones (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
     Tourist activity at the Chicaque natural park as a factor of sustainable development in the Chicaque and Cascajal zones (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
     Actividad turística en el Parque Natural Chicaque como factor de desarrollo sostenible en las veredas Chicaque y Cascajal (Cundinamarca, Colombia)

Niño Bernal, Saudy Giovanna
Contreras Guevara, Marcela

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 26 (2020): Enero-Junio; 173-203


Resumo: The objective of this article is to propose improvement actions to generate sustainable development in the zones of Chicaque and Cascajal through the tourist activities carried out by the Chicaque Natural Park, taking into account that these two zones are in the area of influence of the defined territory of this park. Therefore, the different factors are analyzed around three core problems: water resources, the constant struggle of the territory and the lack of joint coordination with interest groups. In order to accomplish the objectives of the research, it was necessary to build a theoretical-conceptual analysis that starts from the general theory of the systems. Through this a diagnosis of the tourist activities in the park is carried out, the interest groups of the park are characterized and improvement actions regarding the following are determined: the defined territory, and the environmental, socio-cultural, and economic impacts.