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Tourism and social capital: research opportunities and gaps
     Tourism and social capital: research opportunities and gaps
     Turismo y capital social: vacíos y oportunidades de investigación

Ramírez Hernández, Omar Ismael
Cruz Jiménez, Graciela
Serrano Barquín, Rocío del Carmen

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 24 (2019): January-June; 25-49


Resumo: This article provides new research opportunities focusing on social capital and tourism. Although this type of capital has made it possible to explain a wide range of social phenomena, its analysis in the tourist context is still incipient. The contribution is based on the following limitations detected in the literature on the incorporation of social capital into the study of tourism: the different conceptualizations used, the different procedures for measuring it and the inclusion of only some groups of stakeholders in its analysis. Another limitation refers to the fact that literature only recognizes the tourism-social capital binomial as a way of achieving tourism development. One of the main conclusions of this article is that this activity has been little considered as an agent of change in tourist destinations; in addition to an incipient recognition of its influence on the social capital of the stakeholders linked to it.