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Tourism and post-conflict. A reflection from the context of the path to Teyuna (Ciudad Perdida)
     Tourism and post-conflict. A reflection from the context of the path to Teyuna (Ciudad Perdida)
     Turismo y posconflicto. Una reflexión a partir del escenario del Camino a Teyuna (Ciudad Perdida)

Vega Osorio, Fernando

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 21 (2017): Julio-Diciembre; 165-192


Resumo: Current governmental and local efforts towards achieving a post-conflict scenario have created an interest in tourism development in areas formerly stricken by armed violence, internal displacement, illicit crops, drug traffic and territorial control. This raises the question whether tourist activity could be a way to get all the parties involved in the conflict to be integrated back into society, under the premise that local-level development “may help reduce the risk of conflict recurrence if it addresses certain risk factors such as inequalities of economic opportunities and distribution of resources” (ilo, 2010, p. 48). The question then arises: How does tourism contribute to social and economic recognition of the victims and the former parties involved in the war in Colombia, and specifically in the region of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the path to Teyuna archaeological park (Ciudad Perdida)?