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Tourism studies’ critical theory in the present time
     Tourism studies’ critical theory in the present time
     Actualidad de la teoría crítica en los estudios del turismo

Nava Jiménez, Celeste
Castillo Nechar, Dr. Marcelino

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 20 (2017): Enero-Junio; 49-74


Resumo: The critical tourism research has gained ground through rational effort to generate critical knowledge to strengthen the construction of a critical epistemology for tourism. In this sense, several authors have collaborated on the development of new research hypotheses to inherit the tourism academy epistemic foundations for the discipline. This article aims sharing the literature review regarding the production of critical knowledge on tourism was held to include some categories, the view of the authors, are important to consider critical production in tourism.