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Welness tourism in the Bogota - Cundinamarca region: thermal tourism behond baths
     Welness tourism in the Bogota - Cundinamarca region: thermal tourism behond baths
     Turismo de bienestar en la región Bogotá - Cundinamarca: configuraciones del turismo termal más allá del balneario

Duarte Garzón, Omar Eutimio
Duarte Bajaña, Sonia

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 19 (2016): Julio-Diciembre; 163-175


Resumo: The purpose of this article is to explore in which way towns with thermal waters who have use it in order to promote their location, can transform the use of this resource into a more complete typology of tourism such as welfare tourism. The importance of this is to understand that behind the recreational use of thermal waters there are other activities to explore. To be able to change the regular activities of thermal tourism to welfare tourism a matrix has been elaborated to identify the opportunities of the tourism welfare in the region of Bogotá (Cundinamarca): “WSMR”, that characterizes the available resources of the territory in order to enhance its development. This matrix has been elaborated as a methodology to identify the towns who have the  otential to develop a welfare tourism. In the region, have been identify 19 of them and its classification was made according to its development and inclusion of endogenous and exogenous factors.