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Touristic imaginaries: Argentina to the brazilian tourist
     Touristic imaginaries: Argentina to the brazilian tourist
     Imaginarios turísticos: Argentina para el turista brasileño

Decasper, Sandra Mónica
Servalli, Natalia

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 18 (2016): Enero-Junio; 43-60


Resumo: The main features of Argentina´s international tourism show that there is a significant tourist flow from Brazil, who emerges as the main source market with a series of shared values and history and certain cultural closeness. This work aims to study the behavior of the Brazilian market, emphasizing on the main tourist attractions visited in Argentina. First, the main theoretical proposals related to the imaginary, image and tourism discourses are analyzed in order to understand that tourism phenomenon. Second, the role of the main stakeholders involved is studied: the Argentine government, private intermediaries and Brazilian tourists. It is noted that the configuration of these imaginaries privileges certain tourist destinations and tourism products from others, and that despite the promotion efforts by the public and private sector to position new destinations and tourism products, these new “images of Argentina” take time to permeate the tourism imaginary of Brazilians.