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Turismo para el desarrollo: algunas estrategias clave en Gúdar-Javalambre
     Turismo para el desarrollo: algunas estrategias clave en Gúdar-Javalambre

Mitjanas Beteta, Gisela
Universidad de Valencia

Periódico: Papers de Turisme

Fonte: Papers de Turisme; No 54 (2013): Papers and Proceedings Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality CIT 2013; 25-38


Resumo: The main concern of this paper is the use of tourism as an engine for development in Gúdar-Javalambre. Tourism for development needs to be in harmony with the local population, the environment, and the socio-economic and cultural heritage. Municipalities should carefully plan their tourism policies. Institutional capital (Klein 1998)has the power to reinvent and support initiatives towards development. Governance helps in the optimization of the use of knowledge, management of projects, programs, and the creation of successful new tourism products. Gúdar-Javalambre is seen here as a local framework with natural and heritage resources, as well as human capital, where actors in the tourism industry must collaborate to foster development.