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Unsustainable Littoral Tourism in Tulum, Mexico
     Unsustainable Littoral Tourism in Tulum, Mexico

Arroyo, Lucinda
Universidad de Quintana Roo, Cozumel.
Fausto, Oscar
Universidad de Quintana Roo, Cozumel.
Segrado, Romano
Universidad de Quintana Roo, Cozumel
Chuc, Ismael
Universidad de Quintana Roo, Cozumel

Periódico: Papers de Turisme

Fonte: Papers de Turisme; No 54 (2013): Papers and Proceedings Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality CIT 2013; 88-108


Resumo: The principal aim of this paper is to examine the problems considered relevant in the context of unsustainable practices in the littoral area of Tulum, Mexico-a small town located approximately81 miles(130 km) south ofCancun. Tulum is facing a rapid population growth without having strategies that guarantee sustainable development in this part of the Mexican territory. This study begins with a literature review and a description of the methodology; then the characteristics of Tulum related to tourism are explored, and finally outcomes are presented and discussed. The results help to understand the type of pressure that is being exerted in this zone by the tourism activity, the environmental damages and the social and economic effects on the Tulum area.