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Tourist potential levels in the Mexican coast located between Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco and Pochutla, Oaxaca
     Tourist potential levels in the Mexican coast located between Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco and Pochutla, Oaxaca
     Niveles de potencialidad turística en el litoral mexicano situado entre Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco y Pochutla, Oaxaca

Reyes Pérez, Oscar
Castañeda Camacho, Xochizeltzin
Rivera González, José Guadalupe
Quiroz Acosta, Mayra Elizabeth

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 45 (2020): Enero - Junio; 333-362


Resumo: In just 19 years of this century, global tourism has reached the greatest dynamism levels relative to any other equivalent period of time. In this regard, the arrival of international tourists showed a 33.7% rise between 2008 and 2017, evidencing the need to open up new tourist markets. In the case of Mexico, the number of international tourists almost doubled between 2009 and 2018; in fact, in this period, the country advanced from a 10th to sixth top destination worldwide. In this context, the government has acknowledged that, in the field of economy, tourism is key for national development; therefore, it has set the identification of new sites for leisure and recreation as a top priority. This work evaluates the tourist potential of the coastal municipalities of the Mexican southwestern Pacific, a region that stretches along the coastline between the states of Jalisco and Oaxaca.