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Tourist’s crowding perception assessment in Quito’s Historical Center
     Tourist’s crowding perception assessment in Quito’s Historical Center
     Evaluación de la percepción de congestión del turista en el centro histórico de Quito

Torres Matovelle, Pablo
Tapia López, Jesús
Suquilanda Agila, Karla

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 43 (2019): Enero - Junio; 499-518


Resumo: Crowding is a phenomenon that has worried managers of tourist destinations for decades. Few studies have been developed to evaluate it in heritage cities from the perception of the visitor, noticing a poor treatment of the subject in Latin America. This research evaluates the tourist crowding perception in the Historic Center of Quito, through methodological contributions that link motivational, emotional and behavioral variables. The results indicate that crowding is perceived mostly between mild and moderate.