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Tourist activity in Cartagena (Murcia), through the perception and analysis of its direct actors
     Tourist activity in Cartagena (Murcia), through the perception and analysis of its direct actors
     Actividad turística en Cartagena (Murcia) a través del análisis de indicadores y percepción de sus actores directos

Jiménez Meseguer, María José
Morales Yago, Francisco José

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 43 (2019): Enero - Junio; 349-380


Resumo: The recovery of the cultural, natural and landscape heritage of the city of Cartagena is a key element in the local development of this city, as well as a change in the model of economic development traditionally dedicated mainly to the industrial, military and port sectors. At present, the preponderance of tourism as a dynamic activity is generating the creation of many jobs both in the direct attention to visitors and the need to recover and show a cultural heritage in many cases hidden for centuries. The present work offers, from the statistical use of basic indicators and the own analysis of the survey, clarifying data about the current tourist activity in Cartagena.