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Tourism impacts in Spain: differences between hinterlands and coastal areas
     Tourism impacts in Spain: differences between hinterlands and coastal areas
     Los impactos del turismo en España: diferencias entre destinos de sol y playa y destinos de interior

Gómez Bruna , Diana
Martín Duque, Clara

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 43 (2019): Enero - Junio; 325-347


Resumo: This article aims to evaluate the perception of the Spanish residents about the economic, sociocultural and environmental impacts that tourism generate in Spain. In particular, the article analyse the resident percepcion of the impacts in 151 spanish destinations making distinctions between coastal destinations and hinterland destinations. To this end we have made a one way ANOVA based on 1027 surveys. This analysis of the data shows that those resident who live in coastal areas perceive more strongly the negatives effects of tourism than those who live in hinterlands.