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Vega Inclán and House Museums: A new concept of cultural tourism in Spain in the first of Alfonso XIII
     Vega Inclán and House Museums: A new concept of cultural tourism in Spain in the first of Alfonso XIII
     Vega Inclán y las Casas Museo: un concepto inédito del turismo cultural en la España de Alfonso XIII

Pérez Mateo, Soledad

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 42 (2018): Julio - Diciembre; 421-445


Resumo: This paper analysis, in Spain of Alfonso XIII, the figure of Vega Inclán as a visionary museologist who introduced, for the first time in Spain, an unknown type of museum: the house museum, using a contextual museography that was already well known in the Anglo- Saxon world. The creation of house museums with his projects of the House Museum of Greco in Toledo, House Museum of Cervantes (Valladolid) and the Romantic Museum of Madrid was influenced by Free Educational Institute and it was justified by the necessity of building a national identity and the wish to honor new heroes who should be known both inside and outside of our borders. To achieve it, Vega Inclán recreated domestic spaces focusing in the value of context by integrating the building and its surroundings, bringing together museology and tourism, through an experiential tourism.