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Tourist resources and tourist attractions: conceptualization, classification and assessment
     Tourist resources and tourist attractions: conceptualization, classification and assessment
     Recursos turísticos y atractivos turísticos: conceptualización, clasificación y valoración

Navarro, Diego

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 35 (2015): Enero - Junio; 335-357


Resumo: Based on available definitions of tourist resources and tourist attractions, several coincidences, excesses and omissions are identified: the functional variable and the conversion state define the difference between resources and attractions. Then, two classifications are proposed for both categories: resources (considering system approaches and UNESCO typology) and attractions (attending the assessment of its resources and representations as well as the capacity or necessity of being managed). Moreover, assessment tools are propounded for both study objects in view of remarkable characteristics (for resources) and actions taken (for attractions).