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Wine tourism development from the perspective of family winery
     Wine tourism development from the perspective of family winery
     Desarrollo del enoturismo desde la perspectiva de las bodegas familiares

Pedraja Iglesias, Marta
Marzo Navarro, Mercedes

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 34 (2014): Julio - Diciembre; 233-249


Resumo: Wine tourism has potential to assist in the economic development of rural areas, as the tourism industry provides a number of additional destinations can generate additional value to the region. However, the wine industry and tourism do not always go hand in hand. The cellars, which constitute the core of the tourism product, must engage in the development of this type of tourism. But overall, the wine sector comprises small businesses, many of them family members, which follow a product orientation rather than a relational orientation. This research examines the perceptions that such a warehouse associate the effort to be performed to develop wine tourism.