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Thoughts about proximity tourism as a strategy for local development
     Thoughts about proximity tourism as a strategy for local development
     Reflexiones sobre el turismo de proximidad como una estrategia para el desarrollo local

Díaz Soria, Inma
Llurdés Coit, Joan Carles

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 32 (2013): Julio - Diciembre; 65-88


Resumo: Tourism has traditionally been considered as the activity that allows living non-usual experiences in non-usual places. Since globalization of information facilitates the knowledge of remote territories, a tourist offer to closer and, at the same time, unknown places could improve the valorisation of usual environment, encouraging a development process. This paper introduces proximity tourism from a theoretical approach, through questioning key concepts and suggesting research tools in order to finally relate tourism and local development.