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Value added, authenticity and loyalty during the 2010 Xacobeo event: a tourists perception perspective
     Value added, authenticity and loyalty during the 2010 Xacobeo event: a tourists perception perspective
     Valor añadido, autenticidad y lealtad en el Xacobeo 2010: una evaluación del evento a partir de las percepciones de los visitantes

Murias Fernández, Pilar
Rodríguez González, David
Novello, Simone

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 31 (2013): Enero - Junio; 225-244


Resumo: The tourist attractiveness of Santiago de Compostela is mainly based on the historic, cultural and artistic heritage. This heritage is in part a consequence of Santiago’s origins around the shrine of St. James. The city is the final destination of an ancient pilgrimage road and celebrates a «Jubilee or Holy Year Privilege» from 1119. From 1993, the tourist attractiveness of the city has been reinforced with the celebration of a cultural, religious and social event, worldwide promoted: the Xacobeo. From then on, the number of pilgrims and hotel guest in the city has substantially increased and official sources talk about record in the number of attendants any time the event takes place. This study goes beyond the ever discussed number of visitants and examines the success of the event itself in terms of the added value and authenticity perceived by the visitors and their intention to «revisit» and/or to recommend the event to relative and friends.