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Tourism in El Salvador: the challenge of consolidating as an emerging destination
     Tourism in El Salvador: the challenge of consolidating as an emerging destination
     Turismo en El Salvador: el reto de la consolidación de un destino emergente

Jover Martí, Francisco Javier

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 27 (2011): Enero - Junio; 561-583


Resumo: The development of tourist activity in El Salvador is in an emerging phase. The rapid increase experienced in the number of international tourist arrivals in recent years, has caused some optimism to grow among the Salvadorean population. The efforts from both public and private sectors have helped to promote this sector, whose ability to boost the national economy can offer several options for development. There lies the importance of strengthening this sector, which is conditioned by several factors.