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Women’s participation in Toluca hosting companies. Analysis of their empowerment
     Women’s participation in Toluca hosting companies. Analysis of their empowerment
     Participación de las mujeres en empresas de hospedaje del municipio de Toluca. Análisis de su empoderamiento

Mejía Vázquez, Rebeca
Serrano-Barquín, Rocío del Carmen
López Carré, Elizabeth
Serrano-Barquín, Héctor Paulino

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 14: Julio-Diciembre; 21-44


Resumo: Studies about the mexican women´s situation in the tourism sector, mainly on their empowerment, are limited. For that reason, in this article the empowerment level of women who work in the hospitality industry of Toluca City, State of Mexico, is analyzed. Data were collected from ten hosting companies from one to five stars, with a sample of 102 women who work in such places. The research was carried out from gender perspective and with a quantitative approach. Moreover, it was considered the sum of seven factors to obtain the total score of empowerment and then it was ranked as high, medium or low. Finally, as a results, it was observed that there is a certain level of women´s empowerment in spite of factors such as, the position in which they are and the income that they earn.