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Tourism competencies of municipalities. The legal framework in Argentina
     Tourism competencies of municipalities. The legal framework in Argentina
     Competencias turísticas de los municipios. Régimen jurídico del municipio turístico en la República Argentina

del Busto Gilardoni, Eugenio

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 21: Enero-Junio; 152-181


Resumo: The aim of this paper is to conduct a review of the municipality and its relations with tourism, its competencies, and the regime of the tourist municipality, from a legal perspective, in Argentina. It begins with the study of the role of the municipality, its regime and allocation of competencies in the National Constitution. It analyses, in the different provincial constitutions and in the organic laws of municipalities; the allocation of competencies in tourism among these entities and their different powers; whether there are specific bodies for regulating the activity and others that indirectly, though substantially, affect its development. Then, the competencies of the municipalities in the provincial tourism regulations are addressed: on a general (provincial tourism laws) and sectoral (accommodation, rural tourism, and adventure regulations, etc.) level. Then, it analyses the allocation of competencies in the municipal legal system, through the Municipal Organic Charter. The tourist municipality is conceptualized and its characteristics are described and the provincial tourist regulations in which its powers are established are examined. The study concludes with some considerations about the current legal regimen of the tourist municipality as well as proposals to favour its development with respect to the distribution of competencies.