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O regresso dos emigrantes portugueses e o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas rurais
     O regresso dos emigrantes portugueses e o desenvolvimento do turismo nas áreas rurais

Santos, Rossana Andreia Neves dos
Universidade de Aveiro
Costa, Carlos Manuel Martins da
Universidade de Surrey (Reino Unido) Universidade de Aveiro Membro da GOVCOPP

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; v. 3, n. 21/22 (2014); 497-505


Resumo: This article intends to demonstrate that the return of the Portuguese emigrants can contribute to rural development, through the tourism sector. This argument is valid when considering that the movement emigration?return has a positive impact on the development of the most deprived areas and the tourism sector can create more jobs and income in comparison with other sectors of the economy. The results obtained in a study in Portugal, through the application of a survey the Portuguese 5,157 emigrants, support this argument. It was concluded, that are the emigrants with active age and residence in a rural area that offer more training and professional experience in the area of tourism and capital to invest in a business, as well as greater propensity to return, invest and have a job in this area in Portugal.