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Comparison between islands in the valuation of different types of tourism by residents: the case of the Balearic Islands (Spain)
     Comparison between islands in the valuation of different types of tourism by residents: the case of the Balearic Islands (Spain)
     Comparativa entre islas de la valoración de distintos tipos de oferta turística por parte de los residentes: el caso de las Islas Baleares (España)

Cardona, José Ramón

Periódico: Turismo e Sociedade

Fonte: Turismo e Sociedade; v. 8, n. 2 (2015)


Resumo: Tourism depends on the goodwill of the residents, being essential the support of the local population to the development of the sector. The types and forms of tourism affect how evolving attitudes of the residents. But the immense majority of studies of residents' attitudes analyze the tourism sector as a whole, being few cases that focus on a particular type of supply. The objective of this work was to analyze if there was tourist products with worse or better rating by the residents of the Balearic Islands. A comparison is performed by islands and a segmentation of residents by assessing the types of tourism product. The tourist supply that generated less impact on the resident community and involve a greater interest of tourists by the society and the local environment had highest degree of acceptance, while the tourist supply with more negative impacts and that means less interaction with the residents had low levels of acceptance.