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Memorable tourist experiences
     Memorable tourist experiences

Garlet, Valéria
Pascotini Grellmann, Camila
Pegoraro Gai, Maria Julia
Rejane da Rosa Gama Madruga, Lucia

Periódico: Tourism and Hospitality International Journal

Fonte: Tourism and Hospitality International Journal ; Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019): July 2019 [22nd Edition - EE]; 76-91


Resumo: This study was quantitative by means of the survey method. 421 questionnaires were used with tourists evaluating the memorable tourist experiences based on the Aroeira, Dantas and Gosling model (2016), identifying: the country, which was related to the memorable tourist experience chosen as the basis for responding to the survey; the type of accommodation used during the memorable tourist experience; the reason for the trip; and the budget; in terms of perceptions about the memorable tourist experience, the results indicated that all dimensions - hedonism, novelty, local culture, knowledge, renewal, significance and involvement - proposed by Kim (2009) were relevant. However, there were still differences and some contributed more than others to make the experience memorable. What stood out the most was hedonism, followed by knowledge, involvement, novelty, renewal, local culture and significance.