Periódico: Tourism and Hospitality International Journal
Fonte: Tourism and Hospitality International Journal ; Vol. 5 No. 1 (2015): September 2015 [10th Edition]; 135-159
Resumo: Cruise tourism has its beginnings in the early s. XIX, despite that are very few research studies performed regarding this tourist typology. The main objetive of this research is to identify the potential of the Port of Vigo as the destination port of Cruise Tourism. This goal allowed contextualizing the present reality of port activity of the Port of Vigo on tourism Cruise, as well as propose and carry out a SWOT analysis, which allows to present conclusions and recommendations regarding Cruise Tourism to the port of Vigo. The methodology is the case study, obtaining information from secondary sources (reports of The Global Economic Contribution of Cruise Tourism, annual statistical reports of the State Ports, data obtained through Cruise News Media Group, Annual Reports the Port Authority of Vigo). Of all those reports, have been extracted relevant all data considered and have been analyzed in order to meet the objective. The main conclusion to the realization of this study is to affirm based on data, that the Cruise Tourism in the port of Vigo is an important alternative to traditional tourism in the region, if it maintains the current values based on the historical evolution analyzed, this port is expected to turn into a world reference, long as quality standards are maintained and also optimum economic, social and environmental management is performed.