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Urban Regeneration and Creative Tourism: A Study on the District C Network, in Porto Alegre – Brazil
     Urban Regeneration and Creative Tourism: A Study on the District C Network, in Porto Alegre – Brazil
     Regeneración Urbana y Turismo Creativo: Un Estudio Sobre la Red Distrito C, en Porto Alegre – Brasil: A Study on the District C Network, in Porto Alegre – Brazil

Verschoore Machado Pritsch, Thiago
Gomes e Silva, Elloane Carinie
de Oliveira da Silva, Bruno
de Mello Rossini, Diva

Periódico: Dimensiones Turísticas

Fonte: Dimensiones turísticas; Vol. 8 (2024); 1-32


Resumo: This research aimed to analyze the contributions that creative tourism can make to the urban regeneration of the 4th District degraded areas in Porto Alegre, Brazil, through the District C network. The study adopted a qualitative approach with exploratory and descriptive objectives. The research included bibliographic, documentary, and field research methods, utilizing an interview guide targeting creative entrepreneurs in the region. The analytical method used for data processing was content analysis; the results pointed to the importance of creative actions and activities developed by the members of the District C network, which are tools for creative tourism in the region, especially in terms of the diversity of uses and urban vitality.