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Visit to the Jesús Malverde chapel: between the dark, the religious and the tourist
     Visit to the Jesús Malverde chapel: between the dark, the religious and the tourist
     Visita a la capilla de Jesús Malverde: entre lo oscuro, lo religioso y lo turístico

Guzmán Melgar, Sandra Zulema
Flores Gamboa, Silvestre

Periódico: Dimensiones Turísticas

Fonte: Dimensiones turísticas; Vol. 7 (2023); 1-23


Resumo: The visit to the temple of Jesús Malverde in the city of Culiacán, during the celebration of his death anniversary is analyzed. Using a qualitative methodology, a narrative-type work was carried out, supported by semi-structured interviews and participant and non-participant observation exercises, with chronological and photographic recording. It was found that thephenomenon generates a largely religious motivation that attracts the local population, of national and foreign origin, who coexist among symbols of narcoculture, a practice that also allows it to be associated with dark tourism.