Resumo: The old henequen haciendas, that functioned as henequen production centers and one of the main engines of economic development in the Yucatan Peninsula at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, and influenced a series of socioeconomic and territorial transformations with the purpose of linked to a global market, experience nowadays a symbolic and productive reconversion in relation to the use of their facilities and vestiges, as part of a process of heritage revaluation and tourist activation. Hence, hacienda tourism has emerged as a new consumption niche and a distinctive tourist modality in the state of Yucatan in the last decade. In this tenor, considering the haciendas located in the Reserva Ecológica Cuxtal as an object of study, the purpose of this work is to identify the elements that make the henequen architectural-industrial heritage and its conversionas a resource for the development of tourism of haciendas, based on the attributes that each of them possesses, that influences its enhancement, thanks to its uniqueness as a tourist-heritage resource, its location within said ecological reserve and its proximity to the city of Mérida, state capital.