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Characterization of the motivations and mobility conditions of national tourists and visitors, Region de los Lagos, Chile
     Characterization of the motivations and mobility conditions of national tourists and visitors, Region de los Lagos, Chile
     Caracterización de las motivaciones y condiciones de movilidad de turistas y visitantes nacionales en la Región de los Lagos, sur de Chile

Riquelme Brevis, Hernán
Sandoval Obando, Eduardo
Riquelme Brevis, Matías
Peña Axt, Juan Carlos

Periódico: Revista Turismo e Identidad

Fonte: Revista de Turismo e Identidad; Vol. 5 Núm. 1: Junio / Noviembre 2024; 12-41


Resumo: Within the framework of tourism studies, those perspectives that are interested in understanding aspects related to the motivations and conditions that guide the decisions of tourists and visitors when choosing places to practice tourism gain relevance. From a quantitative perspective, exploratory research was carried out in the Los Lagos Region. Based on the application of a questionnaire to national visitors and tourists (n=200), the research aims to determine the motivations and conditions of the journey to the region in relation to the reasons for choosing this area and the development of tourist activity during leisure time. The results highlight motivations linked to the choice of this place for the visual landscapes and the tranquility it presents; attractions related to the lake area. In addition, a certain level of criticism emerges regarding the scarce time devoted to rest due to the tourism activities; the relevant role of technological devices that accompany the visits and the use of private means of transport when moving around the territory. It is concluded that the relevance of analyzing tourism as an activity in movement is substantial in order to move forward in the development of this activity beyond its implications.