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Diagnosis and challenges of Agribusiness activity in rural communities of the Sucre canton. Ecuador
     Diagnosis and challenges of Agribusiness activity in rural communities of the Sucre canton. Ecuador
     Diagnóstico y desafíos de la actividad de Agronegocios en comunidades rurales del cantón Sucre. Ecuador

Lemoine Quintero, Frank Ángel
Zambrano Vera, Eura María
Dueñas Chicas, Emily Ivette
Jama Cuello, Marian Yamilex

Periódico: Transitare

Fonte: TRANSITARE; Vol. 9 Núm. 1 (2023): TRANSITARE. Revista de Turismo, Economía y Negocios.; 1-14


Resumo: The functionality of agribusiness is not limited to meeting food and profitability needs, but rather promoting sustainability. The objective was to diagnose agribusiness activity to link segmentation strategies by branches of activity in communities in the Sucre canton. A qualitative and quantitative study in the Sucre canton reveals that agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing are the most representative activities, with 16.4%, 49.2% and 55.1% respectively. These findings will guide strategies for linking with society to promote a circular and solidarity economy in the Sucre canton.