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The privileges of the private sector and the developmental discourse of tourism. Analysis of the international and Colombian context
     The privileges of the private sector and the developmental discourse of tourism. Analysis of the international and Colombian context
     Privilegios del sector privado y el discurso desarrollista del turismo. Análisis del contexto internacional y colombiano

Muñoz Arroyave, Elkin
López Martínez, Alexandra
Flórez Laiseca, Adriana María

Periódico: Pasos - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Fonte: PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; v. 22 n. 2 (2024): PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; 323-337


Resumo: The growth of tourism at the international level is the highest in history. As a result, the institutional framework of this activity has positioned a discourse that makes tourism be seen as a source of development for the territories, but what is proposed in the study is that in reality this discourse hides a series of economic interests. Thus, the objective of this article is to identify the economic and political interests that are found within tourism policies or in the developmentalist discourse of tourism. To this end, a critical analysis of the discourse of legislation and official information from institutions at different scales of geographic incidence is carried out. The main result is that support for the economic interests of some central actors is disguised through a series of social ideas that in reality are not fulfilled. In this sense, the contribution and originality of the work focuses on the methodological approach applied from the critical analysis of the discourse to official documents of organizations that lead tourism, to show that there are some interests that are being favored there.