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Green employment opportunities: Agroecological tourist route Finca El Coporo, an alternative to rural settlements
     Green employment opportunities: Agroecological tourist route Finca El Coporo, an alternative to rural settlements
     Oportunidades de empleo verde: ruta turística agroecológica Finca El Coporo, una alternativa desde los asentamientos rurales

Fernández, Alfonso José

Periódico: Turismo y Patrimonio

Fonte: Turismo y Patrimonio; No 22 (2024): Turismo y Patrimonio; 127-145


Resumo: Agroecological tourism emerges as a promising strategy for local development, promoting job creation and the construction of more resilient and sustainable communities. In this context, generating green job opportunities through the Finca El Coporo agroecological tourist route, in the rural settlement La Legua, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality, Venezuela, is presented as an opportunity to cause a positive impact in the region. To achieve this, an exhaustive diagnosis of the territory has been carried out, identifying its tourist potential and designing an attractive tourist product. The methodology used was based on participatory action research, actively involving the community in the route design process. In conclusion, the creation of green jobs through the agroecological tourism route will not only contribute to the economic development of the local community, but will also promote environmental conservation, the promotion of sustainable practices and the strengthening of the cultural identity of the region. It is important that policies and training programs are established to guarantee that the jobs created are of quality, inclusive and respectful of the environment.