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Tourist narratives: around the Afro-descendant colonial legacy in the city of Buenos Aires
     Tourist narratives: around the Afro-descendant colonial legacy in the city of Buenos Aires
     Narrativas turísticas: en torno al legado colonial afrodescendiente en la ciudad de Buenos Aires

Cortés, Ricardo
Hruby, Roxana

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; No. 27 (2024); 181-202


Resumo: African cultural traces have been registered in the city of Buenos Aires since the colonial stage. However, when recognizing its contribution to the development of the city, the notions of invisibility and disappearance prevail over the ideas of permanence and continuity. In Buenos Aires tourist narratives, the stories of the melting pot and the European city are strongly installed. From the assumption that 'in Argentina there are no Afro-descendants; an image of a white and European homogeneous society was built, but it does not agree with the cultural diversity that characterized the multiethnic and multicultural matrix of the country. This work intends to analyze some of the current tourist narratives, contrasting them with the data obtained in documents and literature. Therefore, this paper problematizes the notion of invented traditions as a supplementary resource, which is usually used in tourist reports regarding Afro-descendants.