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We are what we eat. Food and gentrification in two historic centers designated by UNESCO
     We are what we eat. Food and gentrification in two historic centers designated by UNESCO
     Somos lo que comemos. Alimentación y gentrificación en dos centros históricos declarados por la UNESCO

Vázquez Estrada, Alejandro
Ayala Galaz, Mahalia

Periódico: Turismo y Patrimonio

Fonte: Turismo y Patrimonio; No 22 (2024): Turismo y Patrimonio; 69-92


Resumo: This article examined the implications of gentrification in the UNESCO-designated historic centers of Querétaro and Campeche, Mexico, and how it relates to food practices. The study highlighted the impact of the tourist industry on the residents’ daily lives, disrupting their traditional food consumption and preparation methods. The food in these areas tends to cater to cosmopolitan tastes, is geared towards tourists, and is often expensive, making it less accessible to residents. The research methodology employed in this study is based on ethnography, which involves participant observation and an in-situ relationship with the interlocutors.