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Overlapping use of areas in a marine wildlife reserve on the northeastern coast of Brazil
     Overlapping use of areas in a marine wildlife reserve on the northeastern coast of Brazil
     Overlapping use of areas in a marine wildlife reserve on the northeastern coast of Brazil

Freitas, Diana Carvalho
Santos, Josivânia Emanuelly Azevedo
Silva, Maria Mayara Santos
Silva, GessiCa Rafaelly Dantas
Lunardi, Vitor Oliveira
Lunardi, Diana Gonçalves

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 35 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 325-345


Resumo: In many Brazilian Marine Protected Areas tourism occurs without planning, such as in the Tibau do Sul Coastal Wildlife Reserve (REFAUTS). At REFAUTS, tourists use the area of two small bays to carry out different activities and share these areas with dolphins. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize tourist flow at REFAUTS and identify which areas tourists most commonly use. The tourist flow in REFAUTS was measured via a survey conducted between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm and the areas most used by tourists were identified. REFAUTS receives over 1400 visitors per day, mostly between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, which corresponds to the dolphin’s active time in the bays. Different activities such as surfing, kayaking, standup paddleboarding, bathing and dolphin watching are practiced in the same area; this overlapping can cause socio-environmental conflicts and negative effects on dolphins. A zoning plan is recommended to determine which areas should be used by tourists and establish areas exclusively for dolphins.