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Ecotourism Vocation Index in the Municipalities of Cundinamarca, Colombia
     Ecotourism Vocation Index in the Municipalities of Cundinamarca, Colombia
     Índice de vocación ecoturística en los municipios de Cundinamarca, Colombia

Real Anzola, Maritza
Geovannini, Helga

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 35 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 205-227


Resumo: The wealth of Colombia’s ecosystems is exploited in tourism ventures that have generated harmful environmental and social impacts. In this mixed approach research, the ecotourism vocation of the municipalities that practice “ecotourism” in Cundinamarca is determined. To this end, a new index is formulated which, unlike others, relates environmental, social, economic, and local development variables. After reviewing studies, reports, and development plans, as well as conducting interviews, surveys, and participatory workshops, it is observed that, of the 116 municipalities, only seven are in the middle range of the ecotourism vocation index. The main ecotourism practices of these seven municipalities are described along with some recommendations to optimize them. It is concluded that no municipality develops integrated ecotourism. Finally, the use of a methodological guide for community planning is proposed to reformulate “ecotourism” by involving the different local and governmental actors.