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Valuation of the Landscape and Tourism: View from the Scientific Production
     Valuation of the Landscape and Tourism: View from the Scientific Production
     Valorización del paisaje y turismo: mirada desde la producción científica

Palmas Castrejón, Yanelli Daniela
Gómez Cuevas, Karla
Delgado Cruz, Alejandro

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 35 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 153-173


Resumo: The landscape is an intrinsic element of the collective identity that reflects the work of man, its cultural manifestations and its adaptation with natural resources, elements of a natural landscape, which make up a set of potential attractions from a tourist perspective. The objective of the present work is to analyze the scientific production of the valorization of the landscape for the identification of its application in the conservation and preservation as a patrimonial asset in front of the tourist activity. A systematic literature review was chosen, where scientific articles were collected. The results show that the landscape, in addition to being part of a humanized environment, has a natural and cultural essence where historical and economic aspects are valued for its conservation. Based on valorization, tourism protection processes can be created, capable of continuing its development without compromising the meaning and originality of the territory.