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Associated Risks with Animals in Colombian Tourism
     Associated Risks with Animals in Colombian Tourism
     Riesgos asociados a los animales en el turismo colombiano

Estrada-Cely, Gloria Elena
Méndez-Parra, Gina Constanza

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 35 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 129-151


Resumo: Although domestic and wild animals have played a significant role in national tourism, the risks derived from their use and interaction tend to be invisible despite their importance and can also significantly affect human beings. The present investigation sought to identify the main threats to the two animal groups and those associated with the human populations in contact with them. For its development, tools from grounded theory and the updated Prisma 2020 guide were used, combined with the analysis of the associated regulatory references. Among the most significant results, the frequent violation of animal welfare, alterations in their natural behavioral patterns –that affect the adaptive capacities of populations–, and the possibility of transmission of high-impact zoonotic diseases were identified.