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Escamoles, Gastronomic Heritage and Tourist Attraction in Mineral de Pozos (Guanajuato, Mexico)
     Escamoles, Gastronomic Heritage and Tourist Attraction in Mineral de Pozos (Guanajuato, Mexico)
     Los escamoles, herencia culinaria y atractivo turístico en Mineral de Pozos (Guanajuato, México)

Esquivel Ríos, Rocío

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 35 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 107-128


Resumo: Mineral de Pozos, from its appointment as a magical town, has positioned tourism as the main economic activity, and has achieved a wide diversification of it including gastronomic tourism. Derived from this, the present article has as main objective to identify the perception of the community receiver and tourists with respect to the escamoles from the lifting of surveys as a first approach. The main findings focus on the identification that the escamoles are not yet a motivation that influences the decision to travel to the destination, however, it is attractive to know it in situ. On the other hand, residents are aware of the dish, but do not consider it as an identity element of their culture, in any case today it is considered a business opportunity in food and beverage establishments.