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Approach to the gastronomic image of the Tijuana-Rosarito-Ensenada coastal corridor based on online reviews
     Approach to the gastronomic image of the Tijuana-Rosarito-Ensenada coastal corridor based on online reviews
     Aproximación a la imagen gastronómica del corredor costero Tijuana-Rosarito-Ensenada a partir de las reseñas en línea

Toudert, Djamel
Bringas-Rábago, Nora L.

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; No. 28 (2024); 151-175


Resumo: Gastronomic reviews on specialized WEB sites quickly became an important source of information for the reflection and decision-making in the linked area between demand and supply at the tourist destination. Taking this new reality into consideration, the research made an approach to the gastronomic image through the textual corpus analysis of online reviews with the interest of finding out -among others- the structural differences of the narrative that arise from the geographical origin of the authorial source. Within the framework of these motivations, a methodological framework based on linguistic-computational techniques and data mining was proposed to examine Tripadvisor site reviews of in the context of the Tijuana-Rosarito-Ensenada coastal corridor at the state of Baja California in Mexico. This approximation made it possible to demonstrate both the structural frequency and the combinatory logics of the cognitive component subdimensions for the gastronomic image and the link with its other affective and conative dimensions. The differences in the narrative structuring were statistically examined to measure their effectiveness by comparing the groups of visitors from Baja California, from other states of the Mexican Republic, the bordering state of California, the rest of the states of the American Union, and finally, from other states countries. The results suggest a complementarity with the image dimensions derived from face-to-face or virtual surveys, highlighting the most frequent and combination narrative sequences. Disparate interests and preferences intervene on these materials for some visitor’s groups and shared for others, revealing a broad maneuverability to operate adjustments and rearrangements of the local gastronomic offer. These findings also seem to reinforce the need for studies that cross the different sources of information.