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Sun & Sea tourism as a pop imagery attraction: The perspective of a tourism culture in Majorca (Spain)
     Sun & Sea tourism as a pop imagery attraction: The perspective of a tourism culture in Majorca (Spain)
     El turismo de sol y playa como reclamo del imaginario pop: La perspectiva de una cultura turística desde Mallorca (España)

Capella Miternique, Hugo

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; No. 28 (2024); 83-102


Resumo: The cultures of tourism derived from many of the sun and beach tourist destinations have ended up representing a collective pop imaginary revalued in the current diversification of tourist practices. This is the case of Majorca where the tourist society has become an inspiring pop cultural attraction. This research approaches tourism from the epistemological viewpoint of cultural geography to demonstrate the relevance of the study and the baggage that represents the culture of tourism. Based on an interpretative methodological analysis, the case of the latest advertising campaign for ready-to-wear clothing of the firm H&M is studied from a video (H&M Spring/Summer 2022) that features sun and beach tourism (Hôtel Hennes and its music (Baccara). This advertisement is a sample of the process of revaluating the tourist cultural legacy linked to the pop cultural imaginary in the Majorca of the twentieth century, although it is may also be extrapolated to many other sun and beach tourist destinations. This perspective gives back to the so-called mature destinations their central place, thanks to the revaluation of their baggage of tourist experiences that allow them to adapt and reinvent themselves more easily, because of their touristic culture backgrounds. The current diversification of tourism, far from signifying a departure from the models of mass tourism (postfordism), rethinks a new perspective of tourism (neoproductivism), no longer understood as an activity but as tourist practices. This new situation makes it possible to reconsider the cultural legacy of pop tourism from a new dynamic, innovative and culturally enriching perspective due to its diversity of experiences. This case is an example of the beginning of a new transversal approach to tourism, as well as the recognition of tourism cultures based on own legacies and references and not linked to pre-tourism imaginary references.