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Taverns in “Serra da Estrela” region: an opportunity for gastronomy tourism or rural tourism?
     Taverns in “Serra da Estrela” region: an opportunity for gastronomy tourism or rural tourism?

Cabral, Óscar
Correira, Joel
Ramos, Elsa
Moreira, Raquel

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; Vol 45 (2024); 131-147


Resumo: The outdoors’ consumption of food and beverages but also the practice of commensality, happened in Portugal, for a certain period of history, in the so-called tabernas. Tracing this model back to ancient Mesopotamia, those facilities were mostly dedicated to the wine and snacks consumption, known in Portugal as petiscos. As places to exercise masculinity, tabernas were relevant institutions of socialization of the daily life. In Fornos de Algodres, Gouveia, and Seia municipalities (Portugal), besides the alcoholic drinks and food, prepared and influenced by local foodways, they were important hubs for social and territorial cohesion and development. As the roots of the Portuguese “tascas”, they are now through a recuperation process. The main goal of this study was to identify the main characteristics of tabernas in the mentioned municipalities, mostly limited to the 20th century. This work was based on a qualitative methodology where bibliographic research was carried out, alongside a questionary to identify tabernas characteristics and territorial penetration. The results reveal that, at least, 157 tabernas were opened in the three municipalities, during the 20th century, offering – beyond wine and “petiscos” – additional services such as groceries selling and media access.