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Environmental Actions in the Hotel Industry of Carolina (Maranhão, Brazil)
     Environmental Actions in the Hotel Industry of Carolina (Maranhão, Brazil)

Araujo Moreira, Claudia
Maciel de Meira, Celso
Tâmara Pessoa Paiva, Iara
Barroso Lima, Thamires

Periódico: Applied Tourism

Fonte: Applied Tourism; v. 9 n. 1 (2024): ; 01-08


Resumo: Tourism is an economically relevant sector; however, its development, when unplanned, can negatively impact the preservation of the cultural patrimony, and social stability as a consequence. Thus, under the bias of sustainability, our study is a result of a research project that aimed to verify whether there are Actions implemented on the behalf of environmental management in the hotel industry of the city of Carolina, which is located in the region of the Chapada das Mesas National Park, state of Maranhão, Brazil. It is based on the precepts correlated to the environmental management of lodging facilities recommended by Ordinance No. 100/2011 of the Ministry of Tourism, and by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards No. 15401/2006. To that effect, this investigation was conducted through techniques of exploratory research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Our investigation used questionnaires as tools, containing open- and closedended questions, applied with hotel industry managers from a list of facilities registered on CADASTUR. For data systematization, statistical resources of the Microsoft Excel program were used. Our results revealed that there are actions in favor of sustainability in the lodging facilities from Carolina. We hope, through this research, to provide theoretical and scientific support for the search for actions that promote ecological tourism, as well as sustainability, in the development of the sector in Carolina, Maranhão.