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Urban growth in a tourist destination in the sierras. The case of Villa de Merlo, San Luis, Argentine
     Urban growth in a tourist destination in the sierras. The case of Villa de Merlo, San Luis, Argentine
     Crecimiento urbano en un destino turístico de sierras. El caso de Villa de Merlo, San Luis, Argentina

Mateucci, María Azul
Otero, Adriana María

Periódico: Revista Turismo e Identidad

Fonte: Revista de Turismo e Identidad; Vol. 4 Núm. 2: Diciembre 2023 - Junio 2024; 73-104


Resumo: The purpose of this article is to analyze the current problems of urban growth in the tourist destination of Sierras de la Villa de Merlo, province of San Luis. The period covered is the one between the economic crisis of the year 2000 and 2020. The work makes a comparison of Villa de Merlo with other mountain and coastal tourist destinations in the world to inquire about the social and territorial transformations generated by the continuous migrations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants and statistical information was analyzed to evaluate urban growth over time. The need to combat land speculation and privatization through an active role of the State to control the regressive dynamics in these processes of reconversion of destinations was reflected.